We made it! 🔥🔥
We’re just after our first Deep Learning Labs in Krakow. Amazing time with great people!
The main challenge was to figure out a business case, and later build, train and deploy the model in order to showcase them. We had a chance to use syndicai platform in order to easily package and serve models.
The first team decided to make an impact on the current Covid situation by building a model that checks if masks are properly worn. The other team focused on the health and mental aspect of our crazy life building Food classifier. Big congratulations to each team! 👏👏👏
We would like to thank the forward-thinking partners supporting our events: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, and ASUS.

Join our community at Deep Learning Labs.
Deep Learning Labs is an event organization founded by Nextgrid to accelerate the awareness of recent breakthroughs in deep learning and reinforcement learning among top AI talent to inspire makers and future startup founders. Deep Learning Labs originated from Warsaw and is now expanding to new local branches in Kraków, Gdańsk, Barcelona, London, and Zurich.