February 19, 2020 – On February 15th we’ve hosted Series 1 Episode 7 of Deep Learning Labs Warsaw.
We have once again gathered top talents and soon to be top talents for our recurring 6-hour hackathon, during which they were building, competing and presenting solutions built on reinforcement learning, which is probably one of the most significant and powerful technologies ever.
With a community of over 600 members and 5 new locations soon to be launched we are happy to welcome Misha Zanka and Jacek Płocharczyk to Deep Learning Labs R&D team. Their contribution will allow us to scale the operations to meet the demand for the events both in Poland and internationally.
Winners of Deep Learning Labs 7
Team Gorillas created and presented the best solutions for CartPole, LunarLander, Hopper, HalfCheetah, and BipedalWalker challenges. Big congratulations to Aleksandra Byczyńska, Marta Szczesna, and Tomasz Brzozowski. Each team member will be awarded 150$ worth of cloud credits on Digital Ocean.
As always we would like to thank the forward-thinking partners that believe in us and support our mission: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Digita Ocean, ASUS, and Centralny Dom Technologii.

You can find the full photo album on Facebook.
Join our community at Deep Learning Labs.
Deep Learning Labs is an event organization founded by Nextgrid to accelerate the awareness of recent breakthroughs in deep learning and reinforcement learning among top AI talent to inspire makers and future startup founders. Deep Learning Labs originated from Warsaw and is now expanding to new local branches in Kraków, Gdańsk, Barcelona, London, and Zurich. With more locations to come in 2020.